Empower Your Practice,

elevate your Strategy

& Enrich Your Motherhood

I help therapists moms & aspiring moms build, grow, and scale their therapy business so they can buy back their time and enjoy motherhood.

Imagine a self-sustaining therapy practice that not only respects, but champions your role as a mother.

This is not just a dream—it's what I have done and am here to help you achieve

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 i offer 1:1 Mentorship programs for Therapist mamas who are ready to:

empower your practice

Strategically scale so your business can grow, nurture your team culture, run like a well-oiled machine, all while delivering incredible quality to your clients.

Elevate your strategy

Define your practice’s success, identify your business model, and attract your ideal clients with strategies built to support your unique practice.

Enrich your motherhood

Re-define your identity as a mother, own the ways Motherhood has changed you; reignite your passion for your business, and get your time back.

receive dedicated support 

In an intimate container that is a mixture of Live Coaching and Voxer Support:

Tried-and-true method

direct Access to my proprietary method

Learn my tried & true methods to empower your practice, increase revenue, decrease your time in the business, and create systems for freedom.

real-time guidance

“Becky in your back pocket”

Program includes Daily Live Coaching Monday–Thursday through direct access to me through Voxer. This has been the single most transformative tool that I, myself, have experienced to build and grow my hands-off, high 6-figure business.

Learn the three foundational pillars designed to help you build A therapy business that makes money and gives you your freedom.

Master the art of efficiency, delegation, and leadership to ensure your business thrives, giving you back the time to focus on what truly matters. It’s about creating a practice that supports your life, not one that consumes it.

Empower your Practice

Empower your Practice

And Decrease Your Time in the Business

Scale and manage your practice to work smarter (not harder) and run like a well-oiled machine.

  • Strategic Business Scaling
    Embrace strategies that allow you to scale your practice without scaling your workload.

  • Efficient Practice Management
    Streamline your therapy practice. From building team, hiring therapists, delegation, time management, automating administrative tasks, expanding your offerings, and leadership —discover how to optimize your operations so your business can thrive

  • Create Repeatable Systems
    Ensure your business runs like clockwork. Learn how to establish standard operating procedures (SOPs) that enable your practice to operate seamlessly, allowing you to step away and enjoy your life outside of work.

  • Master the Time-Money Equation
    Learn the art of reverse-engineering your desired time:money ratio in the business

Elevate your Strategy

Elevate your Strategy

And Streamline success

Dive into the core strategies that define your practice's success and attract your ideal clients effortlessly.

  • Strategic Positioning

    Learn how to build a scalable, profitable practice and establish an ideal business model that maximizes efficiency, adjusts with the seasons of your life and ensures both flexibility and freedom.

    Gain the confidence to set and raise your rates guilt-free, understanding the value you provide.

  • Messaging & Sales Mastery

    Learn how to articulate your brand's unique values and niche, crafting compelling messaging that resonates with your ideal clients.

    Implement a hands-off sales funnel strategy that fills your and your team's calendars with clients who are the perfect fit, all while maintaining your practice's integrity and vision.

  • Empowered Execution & Implementation

    Learn how to effectively execute and implement strategies that solidify your practice's standing in the marketplace, ensuring sustainable growth and profitability.

Enrich your Motherhood

Enrich your Motherhood

Create systems for freedom

Rediscover the joy in both your professional calling and your role as a mother. This balance is not just possible; it's essential for a fulfilling life.

  • Balance Work & Home Life
    Combat overwhelm & burnout, & learn strategies for managing your time and energy so that you can excel as the CEO of your business AND be fully present as a mother. Learn how to set boundaries, let go of people-pleasing that keeps you stuck, and protect your YOU time and time with your family while still providing exceptional care to your clients and your team.

  • Claim Your True Desires in Motherhood

    Embrace practices and mindsets that help you find joy and fulfillment in motherhood. This can include: creating an ideal schedule that aligns with your family’s needs, prioritizing support within-the home, and finding ways to integrate your professional identity with your identity as a mother.

  • Redefine the Big Picture “Why”

    Own the ways that motherhood has changed you and harness it as a superpower to make your business fit YOUR life. Rediscover your spark, your “WHY”, and learn strategies to keep your professional life rewarding and aligned with your values.

  • Money Mindset Transformation

    Shift your relationship with money, inspired by Becky’s alchemical transformation following her father’s story. Embrace a positive money mindset that empowers you to build wealth while providing excellent service to your clients and your team, without sacrificing the joys of motherhood and life.

The VIP 1:1 Mentorship

a 3 month mentorship container 

High-touch support for therapist mamas looking to build, grow & scale their therapy practice. Because high achieving women with big visions never do it alone.

increase revenue, Reduce work hours, grow your team, claim your motherly power, and get my undivided attention on your business

three 1:1 sessions with becky per month for 3 months
  • 50-minute one-on-one coaching calls tailored exactly for your business needs

  • 3 calls per month plus one week for implementation

  • 9 Total Private 1:1 sessions with me (a $9000 value)

"Becky in your back pocket"
  • Full access to me via Voxer between calls for the entire 3 months so that we can connect, celebrate, answer questions, and move you forward faster.

  • A true partner (I want you to feel deeply supported in your business and know that we’re in this together!)

My entire Rolodex of resources
  • Access to every resource, tool, strategy, and system I have used to build my own high six-figure business

  • Relevant templates, materials, and other content tailored to you and your growth that you have exactly what you need to move forward the fastest

investment options 

$5,000 Pay-in-full

or $2,000 / mo


small-group coaching 

For Therapist mamas looking to leverage their time, get out of the 1:1 model of therapy, increase revenue, work less hours, & have a lot more fun.

grow a motherhood-friendly therapy practice alongside an intimate group of like-minded women

Coming Fall 2024

I’m not just a business mentor

I’m a Therapist Mama who has lived the transformation I teach

From building a high six-figure, full cash-pay group therapy practice in a saturated market to achieving significant personal wealth while working only six hours a week in my first year postpartum, my approach is proven, passionate, and profoundly motherhood-focused.

Comprehensive coaching Benefits

Exclusive Resources

Hiring guides, wealth-building strategies, client niching, efficient SOP’s and more – you get access to everything I used to scale my practice.

Personalized Biz Strategies

Insights on leadership, managing a team, fostering a thriving workplace culture, personal finance, business growth and more – you get my personal recommendations and tailored strategies.

A Legacy of Financial Freedom

Motivated to live a life of joy, rest, and abundance, this mentorship aims not just to transform your practice but to redefine your entire approach to work, wealth, and motherhood.

From others like you

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  • You are a therapist mama, aspiring mama, or mom-to-be ready to take the leap into private practice, wanting a mentor by your side who has done what you want to do, understands the laws and ethics of the therapy field, gets exactly what you are going through, and can hold a vision for your desires. 

  • You are a therapist with a well-established practice that is overworking and undercharging, looking for a mentor who can help you identify & attract your ideal client, define your company values,  raise your rates, convert more clients, and step into greater wealth and freedom.

  • You are an established practice owner  ready to scale by growing a group practice and hiring your first associate.

  • You have already hired therapists into your team, but you are still the person answering every phone call, responding to every email, supervising, and handling all admin tasks.

  • You are ready to promote yourself to CEO, remove yourself from the flow of the day-to-day in your business so that you can re-claim your time and your freedom.

  • You are ready to hire admin support, & start delegating out day-to-tasks but you have no idea where to start because you’ve never hired anyone before

  • You are a therapist that knows you want to be a mama one day and want support to set up your practice so that it can flex and grow with you in your motherhood years.

  • You are straight up done running your business like a man, and want to build a business that supports women and mothers through all seasons of their lives.

  • You are a postpartum mama feeling dispassionate with your therapy business, desiring to reignite your flame,  fall in love with your work again, and redefine your picture WHY.

  • You want to own & alchemize the ways that Motherhood has changed you, and learn how to use it as a superpower to design a gives you your freedom.

  • You’re being called, deep in your bones, to dream bigger, play a bigger game, and you are willing and READY to step into a portal of transformation and stay in the heat even when it feels uncomfortable or scary. 

  • You’re willing to make the time, invest in yourself financially, and stop waiting for the conditions to change or be perfect to get started.

  • You desire to dismantle mindsets that are holding you back from stepping into Leadership, Wealth, and your Power in Motherhood.

Frequently asked questions

  • I do not offer hourly sessions.

    I know this is a little different than the therapy model but this is one of the things that we will talk about in our work — getting away from that hourly model.

    The VIP 1:1 Mentorship is a mixture of live coaching and Voxer support during which time you have full access to me via Voxer for the entire 3 months. This will move you forward way faster than individual one-off sessions. In an hourly session, you might be able to ask a couple questions but the real transformation is going to happen over time.

  • Mama, I get what a big deal it is to make an investment in yourself like this!! The first time I made a $5k coaching investment I almost 💩 my pants. But it was the singularly most transformational experience that catapulted me into my era of being a badass business-woman.

    I legitimately increased my net worth by 50K within the year following my 1st coaching investment. If you don’t believe me I can show you the evidence. The point is— I GET HOW SCARY THIS IS and I am living proof that investing in yourself is worth it!.

    And — suffering IS NOT FREE. If you are feeling the call to make change NOW, if you feel in your bones that you are ready to do business differently, you simply cannot afford to suffer longer.

    Would you rather the $5K be sitting safely in a bank account somewhere, or would you rather use it to amplify your joy, wealth, and satisfaction?? I invite you to jump in now.

    That said, mama, I understand that sometimes it just cant happen. If you are in this boat, I am planning to launch a lower ticket group coaching program in the Fall of 2024 called LEVERAGE. The details of this program are not yet confirmed but you can sign up for the waitlist HERE.

    If you are interested in working with me in some capacity but cannot commit to the 1:1 Mentorship at this time, I invite you to book a Discovery Call with me and we can talk through options together.

  • Abso-friggin-lutely! It was SO important to me to get my business in order BEFORE beginning the journey of motherhood.

    Aspiring mamas—this IS the program for you. We can get your business set up so that you can be the all-in mama that you’ve always wanted to be. I can also share with you all the details of how I set up my maternity leave and a business that ran without me for 6 months.

    If you are planning for a family in the future, this mentorship is going to help you build a practice that supports you in motherhood.

  • Because of the incredible value that I am offering in my programs, I do not offer refunds. 

    That said, I want you to know in your bones that this mentorship is right for you. If you have any questions about whether coaching with me is the right fit before jumping in, please schedule Discovery Call with me so that I can answer your questions and give you an honest opinion about whether the program is right for you or not.

  • First, book a Discovery Call with me.

    Once we determine that this is a good fit, I will email you the contract and invoice. Once you settle the contract and invoice, I will send you a welcome email with a link to book out your coaching calls, information to kick off our Voxer, and we will be off and running to build your dream practice!

  • If you are

    • Very early on in your therapy career (ie a trainee or associate therapist) and in a state where this means you can’t start your own practice

    • About to graduate from your therapy program and are looking for an Associate position at a group therapy practice

    Please visit the Root to Rise Careers Page to learn more about working in my group therapy practice.

    If you believe you would be a good fit, please submit a resume and cover letter

  • Email me at becky@beckywhitegeorge.com with any questions! I will get back to you within 24-48 hours.

Getting started is easy


Book a discovery call


select your start date


build the business of your dreams

You will not just grow your practice; you will reclaim your time, rebuild Your identity as a mother, and claim your freedom.

The VIP 1:1 Mentorship

high Touch Support 

For Therapist Mamas looking to build, grow & scale their dream therapy practice, step away from the day-to-day, and reclaim their time.